\r Adventures in Dietland: How to Win at the Game of Dieting from a Former Fat Guy\r by Ralph Peterson\r \r \r ->>>DOWNLOAD BOOK Adventures in Dietland: How to Win at the Game of Dieting from a Former Fat Guy\r \r \r 50 Rules Everyone Needs to Know, to Win at the Game of Dieting<br />“Pee in the woods… Burn your fat clothes… Stop supporting the troops… Quit the gym… Get new friends… and for the love of God, stay off the grass.”<br />If you’ve tried every diet that you could get your hands on with little or no success… then this book is for you. <br />Ralph Peterson has tried them all: Atkins, Herbalife, Nutra Systems, South Beach, the Paleo Diet, Jenny Craig, Body for Life, the Grapefruit Diet, Eating Right for your Blood Type, the Four-Hour Body and Weight Watchers, just to name a few. Through it all Ralph has seen his weight Yo-Yo from 350lbs to 280lbs and back again.<br />Adventures in Dietland: How to Win at the Game of Dieting from a Former Fat Guy, is a synopsis of the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to diet plans and includes 50 Rules Everyone Needs to Know, to Win at the Game of Dieting. <br />These Rules have helped Ralph lose more than 150lbs, and will help you lose weight, regardless of the diet plan you are following. <br />For more information go to www.adventuresindietland.com or follow Ralph on <br />Instagram: www.instagram.com/adventuresindietland<br />Twitter: https://twitter.com/Adv_Dietland<br />Facebook: www.facebook.com/RalphRichardPeterson\r \r \r
Glennsal replied
402 weeks ago