Glennsal replied

338 weeks ago

Download Hindi Movie Danganronpa: The Animation > DOWNLOAD

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Naegi enters his new elite university of Peak's Hope and suddenly loses conscious, waking up later with a group of people. The aim is simple. The one who manages to kill a student without the others noticing gets to escape the university.
A group of 15 elite high school students are gathered at a very special, high class high school. To graduate from this high school essentially means you'll succeed in life, but graduating is very difficult. The school is presided over by a bear called Monokuma, and he explains to them that their graduation hinges around committing a murder. The only way to graduate is to kill one of your classmates and get away with it. If the other classmates discover the identity of the killer, the killer is the only one executed. However, if they fail to catch the killer, only the killer graduates and the others are annihilated. Which of the 15 will survive the bloodbath to come?
I&#39;m a big fan of the Danganronpa series and have been for a while. I loved the first game, the second is one of my favorite games of all time and the 3rd main series game is coming out (Another Episode is canon to, but I never played it cause I rarely play shooter games. And when I heard there was an anime for it I got excited and decided to watch it.<br/><br/>And what did I think? Well let&#39;s start off with the positives. The animation is fine for what it is, the voice acting (minus Junko&#39;s) was decent-tolerable at best. And while it is enjoyable this thing has a major flaw. It is rushed to no end. If you&#39;ve played the game like me, a red flag should be going off in your head at this being 13 episodes. There was no way they could make it without being rushed. As a result it&#39;s hard to connect to the characters or find anything memorable really, and that bad seeing that anyone of them could be killed off in a moment. At least in the game they gave you time to learn about some (not saying all) of the characters and the story, but here it is just rushed. Danganronpa was something that needed at least 20+ episodes at best. Instead you got 13 episodes that were rushed and in the end, it sucks to see that happen to a game, especially one you love
I think that the only reason I have some appreciation for this anime is because I like the game it is based on. I can&#39;t deny that it is not entertaining to watch an adaptation of something I love, although it is badly executed. Despite all this, I still think this show is very bad. <br/><br/>I think that the main issue for me is that it is very rush. It only has 13 episodes and it tries to adapt a game with tons of hours. As a result the characters are flat and uninteresting because the series doesn&#39;t have time to develop them. Additionaly, some plot points are handled very quickly and they aren&#39;t given much importance. <br/><br/>Another thing that I don&#39;t like about Danganronpa is that it is very repetitive. It always has the same format throughout all its episodes and it doesn&#39;t change. It tries to innovate a little bit but they don&#39;t matter because we don&#39;t care about the characters or plot of the story. <br/><br/>Not all about this series is bad, it has some good concepts (borrowed from the game) but the series was so rushed that it didn&#39;t had time to develop on them. Maybe it would have been better if it was organized another way.

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