While making a speech at the Peace Festival in Germany, Home Minister Manohar Kamat collapses and is hospitalized, diagnosed with an unknown strain of the Ebola virus. The Indian authorities assign this matter to the Research and Analysis Wing, who in turn instruct Agent Aazaan Khan to investigate. He does take up this assignment but soon ends up being a suspect as evidence surfaces that his once-humanitarian brother, Imaad Khan, maybe involved in this conspiracy. Dejected and devastated after he learns that his brother has been killed and with no clues about the terrorists nor any treatment for this virus, he is befriended by statuesque Moroccan beauty, Afreen, a sand-artiste and the mother of Zara. The trio face danger from known and unknown sources, while a foreign power works together with the terrorists to unleash this virus on approximately one billion Indians turning them into self-destructive suicide-bombers. Aazaan Khan - a young upright army officer, with a mixed lineage of Afghan and Indian parents, working for RAW (India's Research and Analysis Wing) as part of his duties, gets drawn in to the murky world of espionage only to find his younger brother a suspected terrorist. Torn between his love for his country and his brother, Aazaan embarks on his mission of unraveling a conspiracy of science and technology, which turns uglier when he realizes that it stands to threaten the 1.2 billion population of one of the largest developing nations in the world - India. What unfolds is a fast paced story of one man's determination of saving his country against all odds of human defiance. Strengthening him in achieving is mission is his relationship with Afreen - a beautiful Moroccan girl, who grounds him with human emotions of love that help him conquer the plot. Azaan is an attempt to make a spy action thriller of Hollywood echelon and makers have partly succeeded in their job. The movie is shot exotically, and seems polished but misses out the real thrill element of an action thriller. Thanks to very poor screenplay, a viewer is never connected with the movie, and thus enjoys this stylish odyssey at a superficial level only.<br/><br/>Sachin Joshi isn't apt choice for this movie. The actor, who is also the producer of the movie, is unfortunately, a big letdown. If he would have casted some veteran actor of Bollywood and invested good amount in publicity and marketing, and the movie would have turned a money making machine for him.<br/><br/>Unfortunately, one of the most expensive movies of Bollywood (precisely 180 crores) will flop without notice of the people.<br/><br/>I can easily summarize my experience of Azaan as follows.<br/><br/>Good: Cinematography (arguably, the best that Bollywood has even seen) Background Score (Undoubtedly, the best that Bollywood has heard this year till date) Novel theme (biological warfare and undercover agent concept)<br/><br/>Bad: Sachin Joshi's performance (and strictly okay performances from veterans like Dilip Tahil and Sajid Hassan due to scare scope) Scattered screenplay (probably the worst one for such a tight-edited movie)<br/><br/>Nevertheless, I will watch this movie again, just to hear the background score by Salim – Sulaiman. AZAAAAAAN…..at least to a politically incorrect person like me this Muslim call for prayer to the devout sounds like a terrible call for jihad that reverberates across the ages……<br/><br/>Images of gun-toting men attacking my hometown Mumbai or planting bombs elsewhere and masked terrorists creating mayhem in Kashmir or Chechnya flash through my mind……<br/><br/>Thats what I went to the movie for–to see the heady cocktail of Islam , Kalashnikovs , violence and terrorism…..<br/><br/>But lo…..Azaan Khan is actually the name of a RAW agent , a MUSALMAN DESHBHAKT…..<br/><br/>And what is the task set before this Muslim deshbhakt ?? <br/><br/>It is to save the country from biological warfare–a deadly strain of the Ebola virus that China has spread across the country to kill people in millions…..<br/><br/>And to do that he has to go get a girl in Morrocco whose blood has been inoculated by Dr Maifooz ( another Muslim deshbhakt ) against the virus before he was killed by the anti-national forces . Replicating her antibodies in laboratories will give India the cure to the Ebola infection .<br/><br/>But to get to her and save his country Mr Azaan Khan will have to fight against the agents of those who want to destroy India–dangerous mean people who have high tech weapons , and whom Azaan has to counter with brains and brawn…..<br/><br/>…..And counter them he does…..<br/><br/>In the bhojpuri accented English of his RAW handler (actor Ravi Kissan )–He faaught like a lian against aaal aaads <br/><br/>But while countering them he has to fight against turncoats from his own RAW agency who are working for the enemy , and against his own younger brother Aman Khan the Muslim deshdrohi…..<br/><br/>But one word about this maha Muslim deshbhakt……why was such a wooden , expressionless actor chosen for this lead role ?? For he is an actor who is not able to show any emotion even when his mehbooba ( some firangi actress ) dies in his arms , ending a brief and tragic romance….. What hold does he have in the film industry that he was chosen in spite of his obvious incapacity to act ??<br/><br/>The fight sequences are the only somewhat interesting part of the film , but even they are mitigated by the hero's ( Sachin Joshi ) expressionless acting……<br/><br/>In the end the hero saves the country at the cost of his life…..and I really wish he's dead so that I don't have to see him in more films in the future….<br/><br/>As far as YOU are concerned……you don't have to see him in this film too….<br/><br/>……For I am not recommending it to you…..<br/><br/>Verdict–not good…..
Glennsal replied
338 weeks ago