Glennsal replied

338 weeks ago

Johan Falk: Kodnamn: Lisa In Hindi Free Download > DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)

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Frank Wagner is sleeping next to his family. Their plans to move abroad lay on the kitchen table. They suddenly hear someone trying to break into the apartment. Five masked men are trying to enter. Frank tracts quickly and manages to escape. He contacts Johan Falk. Why would someone want to kill him? Has anyone figured out that he is cooperating with the police? Frank and Johan do not know who knows what, and who they can trust.
This movie shows how wrong it can go,when secret police information on undercover agents gets in the wrongs hands. Because lousy politicians has decided on a publicity act.that give anyone access to secret information.<br/><br/>It starts out with a guy sleeping next to his family,when masked inrtuder breaks into his apartment,with the sole purpose to kill him.He,and his family barely escape. From there on out, it&#39;s quite fast paced <br/><br/>The main story line is that a long time undercover agent, get his cover blown. Because written down police information about him, gets in the hands of some Russian criminals,with the aid of a crooked lawyer.<br/><br/>A few off the scenes are unnecessary, and really just take up space.Like several shots of a person on an operating table, and some scenes of the family in the waiting room.Than a few shots of them visiting the victim. And some of the shooting scenes are a bit stupid,But all in all it&#39;s an excellent film and by far the best in the series ***********************Spoilers**************************************<br/><br/>The ending was a bit stupid and disappointing.In reality I would expected more heads to roll.For instance the police lawyer and the second woman in charge(not sure what rank she had) They were both guilty of the situation,but fore some reason I couldn&#39;t figure out they got off scott free.. But I still give the movie a ten.Its one of the best thrillers I&#39;ve seen out of Sweden. Only other Swedish movie I would give that high raiting,would be Hamilton Vendetta
With not that high expectations I sat down to watch the last Johan Falk movie in the 2012/2013 season. Having seen the earlier movies in the series, I was expecting a better movie since this is the only one in this season that will hit the cinemas.<br/><br/>The tempo and thrill is intense during the whole film, making my heart to beat at a constant higher rate. No Swedish thriller has ever had this effect on me.<br/><br/>The plot is great as well as the acting, direction and cutting. So why not 10/10?<br/><br/>There are a few things that bothers me. Details. Why would you have the camera sound turned on while taking secret photos with your cell phone? Why would professional mob men drive around in a cliché van that says crime all over it?<br/><br/>Despite some small disturbing elements I would recommend this movie to anyone looking for an intense thriller.

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